Montclair Unveils Next-Gen Rocky and Roxy Mascots
Posted in: Homepage News, University
Get ready for next-gen Rocky the Red Hawk. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学深受喜爱的吉祥物经历了从凶猛的猛禽到温柔的蜕变, more animated and agile Rocky.
“He’s got a sweet little face. He’s more cartoony and friendlier,” says Vanessa Fingerlin ’24, who performed as Rocky for the past five years. “No shade to the old Rocky.”
Team Rocky Advisor Hannah Lindeblad ’13 agrees, 他指出,新的洛奇的眼睛更有活力,更像卡通形象. “这是学生们首先会注意到的,但在他们过去之后, 他们会注意到这些洛基的性能要高得多.”
Rocky’s little sister Roxy also got a glow-up. “Roxy got a full upgrade. 她看起来很可爱,我想整个校园也会喜欢她的,”芬格林说.
Rocky和Roxy的新造型将在Montclair Township的4号正式亮相th of July Parade. 今年夏天,它们偶尔会在校园里滑翔,但到了秋天,它们就会飞得很高. Until then, you can follow Rocky and Roxy on Instagram.
多亏了十大博彩推荐排名学生政府协会,这对夫妇进行了重大改造, which approved $30,000 to buy three new costumes and accessories.
“我认为新的吉祥物看起来很棒,”SGA执行主席米凯拉·休斯顿说. “他们为洛奇和罗克西增添了更多的个性和生命, and I think the students, kids and families will really enjoy this new look.”
Out with the old, in with the new:
- Gone are the hot, heavy matted suits; Rocky’s and Roxy’s suits are more plush, breathable, containing mesh around the torso, head and other areas.
- Their heads are much lighter and more secure, 让他们有机会展示一些严肃的舞蹈动作.
- Rocky has two fits – one red and one white, while Roxy has one, including a white and red pleated skirt. They both sport personalized jerseys.
- 罗克西涂着红色的眼影,三根长长的睫毛,黄色的爪子上涂着红色的指甲油.
- 罗克西很快就会飞出巢穴,可以参加学生活动, 比如女子的田径比赛——不管有没有她的大哥.
- Both are now licensed and trademarked, 所以不会有其他像十大博彩推荐排名那样的吉祥物出现, something not previously guaranteed.
- 服装是由加拿大卡尔加里的街头人物定制的.
- 罗伊叔叔退休了,搬到了佛罗里达,但不用担心,亲爱的里基表哥还在附近.
Lindeblad spearheaded the mascot makeovers, which required two years of research, 并且很兴奋地向校园社区展示它们. “我们可以用这两个角色做很多事情, 谁被证明能帮助学生建立校园归属感——这有点神奇.”
她明白学生们将不得不适应洛奇的新面貌. “我想我们会有点怀旧,‘你们怎么改的?“这是我的期待,这没关系,但出于很多原因,这些西装要好得多.”
当林德布拉德和多名学生向SGA申请资助时,学生的安全是其中的首要问题. “他们表达了对旧的洛奇服的担忧,认为它不再安全,也不适合我们的学生穿着,” says SGA President Houston. “我们觉得有必要支持这些学生,购买新衣服.”
负责学生发展和十大博彩推荐排名的副校长Dawn Meza Soufleris说,她对新的迭代感到兴奋. 她赞扬了学生交流主任Cindy Meneghin和Lindeblad为设计新吉祥物所做的工作. 她说,梅内欣对吉祥物在培养十大博彩推荐排名学校精神和传统方面的重要性有着远见卓识,,而林德布拉德“以卓越的领导力指导了整个过程。, 让学生参与每一个决定,真正塑造洛奇和罗克西的新形象.”
Photo Gallery
Story by Staff Writer Sylvia A. Martinez. Photos by University Photographer Mike Peters and John J. LaRosa.
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